How to Convert Email into Task Item in Outlook Using G-Lock Email Processor
When you receive an email that requires a follow-up or an action to be performed, it can be difficult to keep track of it and remember when to do it. We are going to show you a killer way to easily create a reminder in Microsoft Outlook by converting the email into a task using our G-Lock Email Processor.
G-Lock Email Processor has the Distributable version of Outlook Redemption. Redemption supports Outlook 98, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007 and 2010. You can read about Redemption here.
Using Redemption in the Script Processor component in G-Lock Email Processor you can convert email into a task in Outlook, create contact item in Outlook, create a note in Outlook, turn email into Outlook appointment and much more…
Here is the code you can use in G-Lock Email Processor to magically convert an email into a task in Outlook so you can easily process emails that require an action or follow-up:
function main() set Session = CreateObject("GLSMAPI.GLS_RDOSession") Session.Logon set Task = Session.GetDefaultFolder(13).items.add Task.Subject = Fields.FieldValue("Subject") Task.Body = "Test Task Body" Task.StartDate = #13/1/2012# Task.DueDate = #15/1/2012# ' Task.ReminderSet = True Set RecipAssign = Task.Recipients.Add(Fields.FieldValue("Email")) RecipAssign.Type = 1 'olTo Task.Recipients.ResolveAll Task.Assign Task.Save Session.logoff end function
We have setup the rule called "Working with Outlook" for you and included it into the default G-Lock Email Processor installation. Simply download G-Lock Email Processor, install it and you will find the complete rule to create a contact item, a task item, a note item and an appointment item in Outlook calendar inside.
Click here to download G-Lock Email Processor