How to Send Personal Attachments to Your Subscribers

In some situations you may need to send a unique email attachment to each of your subscribers. For example, you may want to attach an individual .pdf invoice to the message sent to each recipient. You can easily do this with G-Lock EasyMail7. Just watch this 2-minute video:

How to Send Different Attachments to Different Recipients

Step 1. Import Attachments’ Names into the Group.

Save the files that you want to send as attachments to a folder.

If the EasyMail7 Server is installed on a different computer and you connect to it from the EasyMail7 Client on your computer, you must save the attachments to a folder on the computer where the EasyMail7 Server is installed.

save attachments to a folder

Save or import the file names into a field in your file or database where your contacts are stored.

import file names into the file or database

Create a group in G-Lock EasyMail7 and import the attachments' names into a separate field.

If you need to send files with different filetype extensions (.txt, .xls, .doc, .html etc.) to different recipients, import the file names with the filetype extensions into the new field.

import attachment names into the group

Step 2. Mail Merge Email with Different Attachments.

Create the message, select the account in the From field and the group in the Group field.

Click on the “Insert” tab.

Click "Attachment -> Personal Attachment".

personal attachment

Type the path to the folder where the attachments are stored.

Instead of the real file name merge the field name that stores the attachments' names in the group. Click the right mouse button and select the right field name from the menu.

merge attachment name

After the merged field name, type the extension of the files.

If you want the attachment to be called the same for all contacts, type the file name with the extension in the separate field.

If you imported the file names with the filetype extensions into the group, do not add the file extension after the variable.

Click "Add".

send personal attachment

How to Send Multiple Different Attachments

Though you can add only one personal attachment at a time, you can repeat the steps above to add more attachments to the same message.

send personal attachment

Step 3. Send Different Attachments to Different Recipients.

Send the message to the group.

If the file that must be attached is missing in the specified folder, or the field that you merged to define the attachment name has no value in the group, message sending to the appropriate subscriber(s) will fail.

You can click on "Failed" items in the Outbox and see the sending log.

If the sending failed because of the inability to attach the correct file to the message, the log will show the error like "Unable to locate attachment file: D:\Work\Invoice\12347.pdf".

Make sure that the file exists in the folder.

Then make sure that the field in the group that you use to define the attachment name has values for all subscribers.

After you correct the issue, click on "Start/Resume Sending" button in the Outbox to re-send failed messages.

resend personal attachment