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How to Increase Sales Even with Tiny List

10 Best Email Marketing Practices to Increase Sales Even with Tiny List

There is no secret that each email marketer is aimed at growing his subscriber base. More subscribers, more sales. It’s true to some degree. But you should not forget that you will pay more to your email service provider as far as your list is growing.

With that in mind, what you should focus on is trying to make more sales from your existing list. Try to get more profit from your current leads instead of relying on new subscribers. I do not want to tell that you should not grow your list at all. Yes, you should, and it’s good if your subscriber base is expanding. I just want to tell that it should not be the priority. The priority is to maximize the profit from your existing email list.

Below are 10 email marketing practices you can utilize to increase sales even with a tiny list: